Monday, December 17, 2007

washing clothes

I just learned that a typical family of four averages 1.5 loads of wash per day. Wow. That's 9 1/2 loads per week. Do we really dirty our clothes that much? Anyhow, here is some tips that can save you both time and money when washing clothes.

First, try to wash in full loads. When washing larger items like sheets and towels mix in some smaller items and don't overload it. This will not only clean better but also be less taxing on the washer's motor. Use only hot water for whites and hard to clean items your wash will be just as clean, fade less, and have fewer wrinkles. Finally, do not use more soap than is recommended because your machine will have to work harder to clean and rinse the items. Source Excel Energy.

Today's tip: Have a nice Holiday and don't spend too much time in the laundry room. :)

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