Thursday, April 17, 2008

KBIS-Kitchen and Bath convention

I recently came back from Chicago after spending a long and eventful weekend at KBIS-Kitchen and Bath convention. It's the worlds largest convention of suppliers of new and trendy things.

It was a lot of fun and also a lot of walking. My mission was to find as many green/sustainable/recycled products I could. And boy did I. Matter of fact the whole convention was geared towards Green design. I found products made of bamboo, mesquite, linoleum, recycled glass tiles, etc. With all the choices of energy efficient appliances and plumbing there are today in the market, manufactures are showing they are doing something about our environment.

I found ranges, fans,hoods, ones that looked like cool colorful buttons on the wall. Toilets with dual flush, two buttons; one for liquid and one for "waste" :) will improve water efficiency by nearly 50%. According to manufacturers, approximately 40% of household water is used for the toilet. I saw sinks,faucets, energy efficient water tanks and much more. "Setting The Tone" was the motto for the convention, and it did.

Todays tip: Next time you need a new appliance or a new toilet. Check out the new energy efficient ones.

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