Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy April Fools Day!

I just got back from a vacation in Mexico. Boy, is that country behind in the knowledge of Green Design. Don't take me wrong, I love the country and people, but for what I saw the environment there needs help. Then on the other hand, we just need to look in our own back yard. :)

Speaking of Green Design, in London according to an article I found, the terms often associated with earth-friendly products "going green" have been labeled passé in favor of a new saying..."buying blue."

A trend report out of London which had Ann Mack, director of trend-spotting at JWT, suggesting that "Some eco-fatigue has recently set in." It's true that the earth has been a huge topic of late--mostly because of of the formidable facts that suggest it's fragility--but also because saving it is beginning to generate serious selling value. And with all things profitable comes a burgeoning market and so on and so on.

It makes sense that the consumer is weary of the term "green." The idea, says Mack, is that the word has been so overused and misused that it has ceased to mean anything. That's partially the reason why in 2008 consumers will be seeing environmental messages arrive via the color blue.

So what does blue have to do environmentalism? A whole lot actually. Take climate change clean water for one. Blue stands for clean air and water--two fundamental aspects of a healthy earth. A healthy earth, as so noted by many of today's home decor leaders like Method and Bambu, is trendy and important. Which is why marketers hope that consumers relate to the color blue as standing for something pure, fresh and sustainable. Something worthy of buying in response to the movement.

So keep your eyes and ears open for the new saying "Buying Blue"

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